Source code for stac_nb.stac_nb

from IPython.display import display as iDisplay
import ipywidgets as widgets
from pystac_client import Client
import json

# This class is a proxy to visualize STAC responses nicely in Jupyter
# To show the actual list or dict in Jupyter, use repr() or print()

[docs]class VisualList(list): def __init__(self, data: list): list.__init__(self, data) def _repr_html_(self): # Construct HTML, but load Vue Components source files only if the # openEO HTML tag is not yet defined return """ <script> if (!window.customElements || !window.customElements.get('openeo-items')) {{ var el = document.createElement('script'); el.src = ""; document.head.appendChild(el); }} </script> <openeo-items> <script type="application/json">{props}</script> </openeo-items> """.format( props=json.dumps({'items': [i.to_dict() for i in self], 'show-map': True}) )
[docs]class STAC_Query_UI(widgets.VBox): def __init__(self, stac_api: str, headers: dict = None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.client =, headers=headers) self.query_results = None collection_ids = [ for c in self.client.get_all_collections()] self.collections_w = widgets.SelectMultiple( options=collection_ids, description="Collection(s):", disabled=False, layout={ "width": "95%", }, ) self.limit_w = widgets.BoundedIntText( value=10, min=0, max=1000, step=1, description="Limit:", disabled=False, layout={ "width": "95%", }, ) self.ids_w = widgets.Textarea( placeholder="Comma delimited list of IDs", description="ID(s):", disabled=False, layout={ "width": "95%", }, ) self.bbox_w = widgets.Text( placeholder="Comma delimited list of bounds (order: W, S, E, N)", description="BBox:", disabled=False, layout={ "width": "95%", }, ) self.start_date_w = widgets.DatePicker(description="Start Date", disabled=False) self.end_date_w = widgets.DatePicker(description="End Date", disabled=False) self.show_query_w = widgets.Checkbox( value=False, description="Print query", disabled=False, indent=False, ) self.query_btn_w = widgets.Button( description="Run Query", disabled=False, button_style="", tooltip="Run Query", icon="check", ) self.response_text = widgets.Output() self.query_btn_w.on_click(self.click_button) common_widgets = widgets.VBox([self.collections_w, self.limit_w, self.ids_w]) spatial_widgets = widgets.VBox([self.bbox_w]) temporal_widgets = widgets.VBox([self.start_date_w, self.end_date_w]) children = [common_widgets, spatial_widgets, temporal_widgets] tab = widgets.Tab() tab.children = children titles = ["Common", "Spatial", "Temporal"] for i in range(len(titles)): tab.set_title(i, str(titles[i])) self.children = [tab, self.show_query_w, self.query_btn_w, self.response_text]
[docs] def display(self): iDisplay(self)
[docs] def click_button(self, b): start_datetime = self.start_date_w.value or "1900-01-01T00:00:00Z" end_datetime = self.end_date_w.value or "2900-01-01T00:00:00Z" payload_dict = dict( collections=self.collections_w.value, datetime=f"{start_datetime}/{end_datetime}", max_items=self.limit_w.value, ) try: bbox = [float(i) for i in self.bbox_w.value.split(",")] except ValueError: bbox = [] if len(bbox) != 4: payload_dict["bbox"] = [-180, -90, 180, 90] else: payload_dict["bbox"] = bbox ids = self.ids_w.value if ids is not None and len(ids) > 0: payload_dict["ids"] = [x.strip(" ") for x in ids.split(",")] query_response =**payload_dict) self.query_results = VisualList(query_response.get_items()) with self.response_text: if self.show_query_w.value: print(f"QUERY: {vars(query_response)}") print(f"MATCHES: {len(self.query_results)}")